Leading Through Unprecedented Times

Be the Leader You Set Out to Be (with Baruti Kafele)

Episode Summary

Meeting students where they are and intentionally addressing their needs is the key to equity and effective teaching, according to Principal Kafele, in Episode 9 of Season 6. He emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and assessing one's own leadership to continuously improve. In this episode, Principal Kafele addresses: - How can a new assistant principal or principal effectively assess and shift the culture of a school? - What strategies can principals use to address adult behaviors and mindsets that hinder a positive school culture? - What is the focus of his upcoming book, and how does it challenge school leaders to reflect on their instructional leadership?

Episode Notes

Baruti Kafele, Best-Selling Speaker & Author 
X: https://www.x.com/PrincipalKafele 
IG: https://www.instagram.com/PrincipalKafele 

Thomas C. Murray, Director of Innovation, Future Ready Schools, Washington, DC 
X: https://www.x.com/thomascmurray 
IG: https://www.instagram.com/thomascmurrayedu 
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